I don’t know why I always wait until the last minute to buy my wife’s Valentine’s Day present. Most likely, it’s because I’m a guy. The same thing happens every year. About one week before Valentine’s Day, I think that the big day is nowhere on the radar, so I figure I still have pul-lenty […]
Archive | Comedy
What makes Chick-fil-A so dang good?!
In this video I talk about what happens at Chick-fil-A when things go wrong. If it even halfway sorta kinda makes you smile, please give me a thumbs up and follow me for more humorous and motivational videos!
The Suburban Guy’s Home Repair Method
I just finished replacing a piece of loose siding on my house and it only took me about a year to do it. How did I accomplish this miracle of efficiency and home-repair savvy? By applying the time-honored suburbanite-male’s system of home maintenance. The following is the simple 10-step process I use to ensure quality […]
How to have a long marriage
Here’s my funny little take on how my wife and I have managed to have a long marriage. © 2020 Charles Marshall. Charles Marshall is a nationally known humorous motivational speaker and author. Visit his Web site www.CharlesMarshallSpeaker.com or contact him via e-mail at Charles@CharlesMarshallSpeaker.com
Middle age orientation program
Hello! Welcome to middle age. You’re going to love it! Heh, heh. A little orientation humor there. No, the truth is that much of it is going to be uncomfortable and—well, there’s no point in soft-pedaling it—you’re going to be miserable. I’m here to give you a heads-up about some of the things you may […]
Old Spice and Whiskers [Happy Father’s Day!]
It’s difficult for me to separate any memory I have of my father from the smell of Old Spice. For anyone unfamiliar with Old Spice, it is a quality cologne that can be purchased wherever other fine fragrances, such as Aqua Velva or Skin Bracer, are sold. It has a distinct, aptly named aroma that […]
Show and Tell with Charles
It’s time for me to fess up. I think I might be the one responsible for this whole coronavirus situation. #itsnotmyfault #theyshouldntletpeoplelikemehavethose © 2020 Charles Marshall. Charles Marshall is a nationally known humorous motivational speaker and author. Visit his Web site www.CharlesMarshallSpeaker.com or contact him via e-mail at Charles@CharlesMarshallSpeaker.com
Inner-Office Conflict When You Work By Yourself
What can you do about inner-office conflict? For the first several years of my career, I was the sole employee of my company. I was both manager and employee. Receptionist and CEO. I was the one and only occupant of my office, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t conflict between me and my coworker. One […]
Just for fun… Explosive Confessions
My wife won’t allow me to shoot off fireworks anymore. Well, my wife and all the rest of the people in my cul-de-sac, that is. For a long time, fireworks were illegal in Georgia, but for two glorious nights every year, everybody in the state wantonly abandoned all sense of good citizenship and broke the […]
Just for Fun – Charles’ Big-Time Super-Helpful Financial Plan
Money is always a stressful subject, but never fear! I’m here to help. Just apply the the following 3 tips and soon you’ll be rolling in dough! 1] Organize your bills. For most people, the subject of bills is unpleasant, but it needn’t be anymore. Instead of ignoring them, I suggest you tackle financial responsibilities […]