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Inner-Office Conflict When You Work By Yourself

What can you do about inner-office conflict?

For the first several years of my career, I was the sole employee of my company. I was both manager and employee. Receptionist and CEO. I was the one and only occupant of my office, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t conflict between me and my coworker.

One guy I worked with back in those days was always smarting off to me and quite frankly, many days he just got on my nerves. Every time I came into work, there he was, pressing my buttons.

My point is, even if you work in an office all by yourself, you are still going to have someone that occasionally rubs you the wrong way.

It seems that every other day I hear people talking about the problem people in their office, but here’s the trouble with that mindset. Until the laws regulating mind control are greatly relaxed in this country, the plain truth of the matter is you just can’t control other people, so there’s usually not a thing in the world you can do about those people.

The only things you can control are your own attitude and behavior. If you bring positive expectations with you to work, then you’re more likely to see the good in others. If you expect to see the worst in people, then they’re not going to let you down.

With that in mind, I recently interviewed myself about the tension that existed between management and staff when I worked in an office all by myself. (Do you want me to stop for a moment to let you read that sentence again?) I said that I interviewed myself about being my own employee and boss and the strife that caused in my office.

In the video, I think you’ll notice that I repeatedly got on my nerves throughout the entire interview. On the other hand, I think I was a delightful guest and made some great points.

If you’re still with me and are open to a bit of creative motivation, I invite you to watch my newest video, “Inner-Office Conflict When You Work By Yourself.”

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