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Strange celebrations of the 4th humor article by funny speaker Charles Marshall

Strange celebrations of the 4th kind

We just celebrated Independence Day again, and for the first time in my life, it strikes me what a strange way it is that we celebrate this holiday in my family. First, we go over to my Uncle Harold’s house and stuff ourselves almost to the point of hospitalization. Then, at some point in the […]

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Audience interaction by motivational speaker Charles Marshall

Audience interaction by motivational speaker Charles Marshall

Sometimes, the funniest part of the program is when the audience members get involved! © 2024 Charles Marshall. Charles Marshall is a nationally known humorous motivational speaker and author. Visit his Web site  or contact him via e-mail at

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Bird nest-small

Life and Death Leadership

Is tearing up a bird’s nest an act of cruelty or kindness? Last year my wife and I noticed a couple of birds flying up to the dryer exhaust vent above the kitchen window. My wife correctly guessed that they were building a nest so I went outside to check it out. After I came […]

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Funny keynote speaker Charles Marshall

Heroes Make a Difference

Charles talks about a real-life hero who dramatically impacted his success journey. “On behalf of our group of El Dorado County Food Service Directors, I wanted to thank you so much for presenting “Real Heroes Don’t Wear Spandex” at our food service training event! What a pertinent and relatable subject for our group of caring […]

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5 reasons to quit quiet quitting article by Charles Marshall

4 reasons to quit quiet quitting

I can hardly get through the day without bumping into a Reel or TicTok video lauding the benefits of quiet quitting. Even worse, there are other videos that give you point-by-point instructions about how to do it. The quiet quitting philosophy argues that if you aren’t getting the recognition and monetary reward to which you […]

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How to Win a Cargument

One summer day when I was 10 or 11, my dad pulled our family car up our driveway and parked in the carport. While he had been out running errands, some neighbors had stopped by and were visiting with mom. I was playing in the front yard with some other kids and saw my dad […]

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Confessions of an Unsuccessful Liar

When I was seven years old, my parents entertained some friends who had just gotten back from vacationing in Hawaii. Back in those days, it was much more uncommon for people to travel to far away exotic locations, so my parents’ friends were showing off their pictures and souvenirs while my parents ooh-ed and aah-ed. […]

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