You’re being watched. Creepy, huh? But it’s true. While you carry on your day-to-day activities, someone is watching you. And here’s the really scary part–that person’s opinion of you could either boost your career or torpedo it. On a trip to speak to the chamber of commerce in Durango, CO, I discovered that I was […]
Are you a Michael Scott leader?
A friend of mine was binge-watching old episodes of The Office recently and commented on Michael Scott’s leadership style. Okay, there was no friend. It was me. Anyway, I noticed that one of Michael Scott’s biggest weaknesses is his overwhelming motivation to be liked. He wants to be popular. And that is a great character […]
Even more client testimonials & such – Funny Speaker Charles Marshall
Another shameless plug for myself disguised as a harmless promotional video. You’ve been warned!
A man’s approach to Valentine’s Day
I don’t know why I always wait until the last minute to buy my wife’s Valentine’s Day present. Most likely, it’s because I’m a guy. It’s a terrifying ordeal trying to pick out a Valentine’s Day card on Valentine’s Day evening because there is absolutely no selection left. I don’t know who else could have […]
Creating a Marva-lous Client Service Experience
Maybe it’s time to re-think your goal of customer satisfaction. My family and I spent the entire day driving through a torrential downpour to get to an important event three states away. Both of our kids were cranky and miserable which meant my wife and I were cranky and miserable. We all were ready to […]
Don’t hurt the lady in the crowd!
During the Professional Skaters Association annual meeting, I walked over to an audience member to talk to her and helped her from her seat. But I thought that the funniest part of my interaction with her was the alarm on another audience member’s face. So, of course I had to say something about it.
New Year’s Health Plan
As we enter the new year, I thought I might offer a few health tips that are guaranteed to get you into tip-top shape within a week to ten years. 1] Eat more grease. I believe that scientists of the future will discover that, since grease is a lubricant, it actually helps your blood slide […]
Charles Marshall Introductory Video
Funny Keynote Speaker Charles Marshall is one of the funniest and most original speakers working today!
It’s a Wonderful Life Leadership Lesson
If you haven’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life, stop what you’re doing right now and go watch it. Then call your parents and ask them why they omitted this crucial piece of awesomeness from your upbringing. I watch it every year and, if the other members of my family are to be believed, I always […]
But Don’t Take My Word For It
I could sit here and tell you about how much fun we have at my events, or I could step away from the microphone and let my clients have their say!