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Author Archive | Charles Marshall

Strange Celebrations of the Fourth Kind by Charles Marshall

Strange Celebrations of the Fourth Kind

My family just celebrated Independence Day as we do every year, and for the first time in my life, it strikes me what a strange way it is that we celebrate this holiday. First, we go over to my Uncle Harold’s house and stuff ourselves almost to the point of hospitalization. Then at some point […]

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How to Win a Cargument

One summer day when I was 10 or 11, my dad pulled our family car up our driveway and parked in the carport. While he had been out running errands, some neighbors had stopped by and were visiting with mom. I was playing in the front yard with some other kids and saw my dad […]

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A remote controlled airplane stuck in the branches of a tree.

My Painful Christmas History

Christmas has often been a somewhat painful season for me. I grew up in a big household with five kids so my parents were trying to cut corners any way they could. They would wait until about three days before Christmas to buy our Christmas tree, which was always a Scotch pine, the cheapest Christmas […]

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Kovid Kindness by Charles Marshall

Kovid Kindness

September was rolling along just dandy-like until the 21st. I came home from a lunch appointment and told my wife that I didn’t feel right and was going to bed. Two days later, I tested positive for C-VID. We immediately called a home healthcare company and they began treating me with every medication known to […]

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The Cheapskate’s Guide to Getting a Babysitter

The only economical babysitting options I’ve found are grandparents, newly married couples, and dogs. Let me save you some time and tell you that the dog option isn’t going to work, for two reasons: 1] Dogs don’t have thumbs so when you call home to see how the kids are, they won’t be able to […]

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