I’m going to go ahead and assume you like to hear people say great stuff about me as much as I do, so here’s some folks doing just that.
Author Archive | Charles Marshall
4 reasons to quit quiet quitting
I can hardly get through the day without bumping into a Reel or TicTok video lauding the benefits of quiet quitting. Even worse, there are other videos that give you point-by-point instructions about how to do it. The quiet quitting philosophy argues that if you aren’t getting the recognition and monetary reward to which you […]
I don’t know if you are aware of it, but I am the guy who invented Kiss-Jeep. There are some parts of the country where Kiss-Jeep hasn’t caught on yet, so let me explain. Let’s say you’re driving down the road with your honey. The first one in the car that spots a Jeep Wrangler […]
What clients think about Charles
It’s time for another video where my clients brag on me a bit. You’d think I’d be embarrassed with this kind of self-promotion, but somehow it doesn’t even phase me.
You’re competing with Amazon
This past summer I started feeling the urge to shed a few pounds. I’m not trying to be more attractive, mind you. I’m already married so I don’t really need to look good anymore. I decided to buy an elliptical machine and found a great deal on one at a local mega-chain sports store. While […]
Invasion of the Family Snatcher
In celebration of Scrappy, The Wonder Dog’s birthday* this month, I offer a never-before-seen peek at my journal entry for the week of his adoption 15 years ago. October 12 – My wife called me while I was at the store and asked if I knew why there was a small, bedraggled dog hanging around […]
SERVE Like Robin
Have you ever experienced truly remarkable customer service? In this video I talk about my favorite mail carrier and how she exemplifies The SERVE Method. Feel free to share this video with your staff and use it in your customer service training. Its use is my gift to you! © 2019 Charles Marshall. Charles Marshall is […]
Mistletoe-tally Bizarre
A lot of odd little customs have somehow become attached to the Christmas season. Take mistletoe, for example. What an amazing concept! Hang a little twig over someone’s head and you get a kiss. I guess that makes sense. Nothing says romance like a poisonous sprig of parasitic vegetation. I’m not sure how the mistletoe […]
Stupid customer service
Not all of my customer service stories are about great service. This is a video of me telling a story about bad service I’ve gotten, but don’t worry! I disguise the name of the company so you’ll never know who I’m talking about!
I Am A Customer
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a customer. I am the person that makes the economic engine turn. I am the reason you take home a paycheck. I am the reason you are able to feed your family, pay your mortgage, go on vacation, buy a car, and contribute to your church or synagogue. […]