When I was 11 years old, I dreamed of building my own raft and floating down the Mississippi River like Huck Finn. My parents thought this idea was insane and told me it would lead to my immediate and untimely death, so I came up with an alternative plan. I would still make a raft […]
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Are you your own worst customer service enemy?
Tell me what these two scenarios have in common: 1] Not long ago, I got a call from a previous client who said I was one of the few humorous speakers they were inviting back to their conference. They had booked a club comedian the previous year who wasn’t used to speaking in the corporate […]
What to do about Covid weight gain
Have you gotten on the scale lately and not liked what you’ve seen? Then I have a suggestion for you! #covidweight #funnycovidvideo #bathroomscale
The Quiet Hero
Fred Bailey’s occupation is listed in the 1930 census as “laundryman.” In those times, working in a laundry was a fairly common profession. Men were needed to load huge amounts of clothes into giant washers and then transfer those wet clothes into industrial dryers that were several times larger than those found in today’s Laundromats. […]
Kentucky Funny Keynote Speaker
I’m lovin’ my Kentucky folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “What a delightful evening with Kentucky motivational speaker Charles Marshall. Our group of over 400 Nurse Practitioners sat back and enjoyed a great refreshing, funny and uplifting evening. Charles delivered on and surpassed our expectations. An all round enjoyable engagement […]
Georgia Funny Keynote speaker
I’m lovin’ my Georgia folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “We had a distributor meeting and had never used a funny keynote speaker in prior meetings. Wanting to change up the meeting agenda, we added Charles as our humorous motivational speaker, and WOW were we pleased with the results! […]
Just for fun… Explosive Confessions
My wife won’t allow me to shoot off fireworks anymore. Well, my wife and all the rest of the people in my cul-de-sac, that is. For a long time, fireworks were illegal in Georgia, but for two glorious nights every year, everybody in the state wantonly abandoned all sense of good citizenship and broke the […]
Just for Fun – A Man’s 5-Step Approach to Valentine’s Day
I don’t know why I always wait until the last minute to buy my wife’s Valentine’s Day present. Most likely, it’s because I’m a guy. The same thing happens every year. About one week before Valentine’s Day, I think that the big day is nowhere on the radar, so I figure I still have pl-lenty […]
But Seriously Folks… Your Customer Service Should Step Up!
It is incumbent upon me to report an alarming, and I believe dangerous, trend growing in our society today. I am convinced that sauntering is once again on the rise. Historical note: As you’ll no doubt remember, sauntering enjoyed its heyday back in the mid-1920s, when gambling, moonshine, and gangstering were all in vogue. Coincidence? […]
Credit Union Funny Keynote Speaker
I’m lovin’ my Credit Union folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “Your presentation on Monday was the best training by far. Credit Union motivational speaker Charles, was GREAT!! He was engaging, entertaining and inspirational. You could actually apply what he was saying to our workplace. I don’t know what you […]