Sometime back in the early seventies, I was getting in our family car in a Kmart parking lot when I looked down and found a badly weathered eight-track tape (ask your mom) on the ground next to the car. The tape was in bad shape but closer inspection revealed that it was The Turtles’ Greatest […]
Archive | Customer Service
How are you training your customers?
Have you ever noticed that so much attention is given to training employees, but so little to training customers? You are, at this very moment, training your customers. Every time you interact with your customer in your business, you are communicating something about yourself and your business. In every interaction, no matter how small, your […]
But don’t take my word for it – client testimonials
I’m going to go ahead and assume you like to hear people say great stuff about me as much as I do, so here’s some folks doing just that.
Seinfeld Service Tip
Jerry Seinfeld and Sarah Jessica Parker are sitting in a small café shooting an episode of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. Their meal is winding down and the subject of the check comes up. Sarah feigns picking up the check and asks, “Are you waiting for me to offer up some cash?” They have a […]
Stupid customer service
Not all of my customer service stories are about great service. This is a video of me telling a story about bad service I’ve gotten, but don’t worry! I disguise the name of the company so you’ll never know who I’m talking about!
I Am A Customer
Allow me to introduce myself. I am a customer. I am the person that makes the economic engine turn. I am the reason you take home a paycheck. I am the reason you are able to feed your family, pay your mortgage, go on vacation, buy a car, and contribute to your church or synagogue. […]
Don’t Blame the Fish
I once heard Jerry Seinfeld say that the audience decides whether or not a joke is funny. The comedian can love the joke. He can believe in it and deliver it flawlessly, but if the audience doesn’t laugh, then guess what? It’s not funny and has to be cut from the routine. That seems like […]
Criminal Customer Service
On a warm day in early November, I heard the sound of chainsaws in my neighbor’s yard, so I wandered outside to find that he had hired a company to cut down some trees. One of the tree cutters was cutting limbs halfway up a huge, 60-foot oak tree located just inches from my neighbor‘s […]
What makes Chick-fil-A so dang good?!
In this video I talk about what happens at Chick-fil-A when things go wrong. If it even halfway sorta kinda makes you smile, please give me a thumbs up and follow me for more humorous and motivational videos!
Are you your own worst customer service enemy?
Tell me what these two scenarios have in common: 1] Not long ago, I got a call from a previous client who said I was one of the few humorous speakers they were inviting back to their conference. They had booked a club comedian the previous year who wasn’t used to speaking in the corporate […]