Maybe it’s time to re-think your goal of customer satisfaction. My family and I spent the entire day driving through a torrential downpour to get to an important event three states away. Both of our kids were cranky and miserable which meant my wife and I were cranky and miserable. We all were ready to […]
Author Archive | Charles Marshall
Don’t hurt the lady in the crowd!
During the Professional Skaters Association annual meeting, I walked over to an audience member to talk to her and helped her from her seat. But I thought that the funniest part of my interaction with her was the alarm on another audience member’s face. So, of course I had to say something about it.
New Year’s Health Plan
As we enter the new year, I thought I might offer a few health tips that are guaranteed to get you into tip-top shape within a week to ten years. 1] Eat more grease. I believe that scientists of the future will discover that, since grease is a lubricant, it actually helps your blood slide […]
Charles Marshall Introductory Video
Funny Keynote Speaker Charles Marshall is one of the funniest and most original speakers working today!
It’s a Wonderful Life Leadership Lesson
If you haven’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life, stop what you’re doing right now and go watch it. Then call your parents and ask them why they omitted this crucial piece of awesomeness from your upbringing. I watch it every year and, if the other members of my family are to be believed, I always […]
But Don’t Take My Word For It
I could sit here and tell you about how much fun we have at my events, or I could step away from the microphone and let my clients have their say!
Don’t get too excited about that Christmas stocking
This is how Santa rolled when I was a kid. Does he still do this?
Stupid customer service
Not all of my customer service stories are about great service. This is a video of me telling a story about bad service I’ve gotten, but don’t worry! I disguise the name of the company so you’ll never know who I’m talking about!
SERVE like Robin
Samantha was talking to her neighbor who was moving out of town and asked him what he’ll miss most when he moves. He answered, “I know it sounds funny, but one of the things I’m going to really miss is my mail lady. She’s just awesome!” Since this wasn’t anything like the answer she was […]
A salute to pants
It’s that time of year again when it has become necessary for me to switch from shorts to pants, and I couldn’t be happier. I had almost forgotten the comfort, warmth, and security that wearing pants provides. It’s just like getting a hug of sunshine, but without the searing heat and life-threatening melanoma. The reason […]