Here’s a video of me speaking to a live audience telling about the time WAY back in the olden days when I drove a Pinto. My audiences love this story and I love telling it! © 2024 Charles Marshall. Charles Marshall is a nationally known humorous motivational speaker and author. Visit his Web site or […]
Archive | humorous speaker
Bad medicine
I couldn’t find one of my old bottles of prescription pills the other day, so I asked my wife if she knew what happened to them. She told me that she had thrown them away. When I asked her why on earth she would do such a thing, she told me she had gotten rid […]
Life and Death Leadership
Is tearing up a bird’s nest an act of cruelty or kindness? Last year my wife and I noticed a couple of birds flying up to the dryer exhaust vent above the kitchen window. My wife correctly guessed that they were building a nest so I went outside to check it out. After I came […]
A brief history of St. Patrick of Ireland
St. Patrick’s Day celebrates the life of St. Reginald Patrick (Reggie for short) who is known for driving the snakes out of Ireland. Twentieth century historians have disputed this claim, however, arguing that instead of driving the snakes, he merely purchased them bus tickets. Modern historians, however, scoff at this claim, noting that only lizards […]
The Cadillac Man’s Christmas Gift
In the early seventies, it seemed almost every kid rode their bike to school. I remember standing in the front of my elementary school staring at the bike rack loaded with well over 100 bicycles of every type imaginable. Some kids were lucky enough to have new bikes with banana seats and monkey handle bars. […]
Real Heroes Don’t Wear Spandex
There have been five live-action iterations of Batman in my lifetime. 1] 1960’s Batman, starring Adam West and Burt Ward. Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson pretty much just sat around Wayne Manor all day until they got a call on the red Bat-Phone from Commissioner Gordon. Then they slid down the bat pole and somewhere […]
Handle the Heat Like George Clooney (Director’s Cut: longer article)
With a little prodding, you can get my friend John Hicks to talk about the time he got to act in the Coen brothers’ classic movie, “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” After John saw their first movie he was hooked, so when he learned they were shooting a movie practically in his backyard, he rushed […]
How to stop having problems at work
Somebody emailed me the other day asking what they can do about problems at work, so I made a video to address that question. © 2020 Charles Marshall. Charles Marshall is a nationally known humorous motivational speaker and author. Visit his Web site or contact him via e-mail at
How are you training your customers?
Have you ever noticed that so much attention is given to training employees, but so little to training customers? You are, at this very moment, training your customers. Every time you interact with your customer in your business, you are communicating something about yourself and your business. In every interaction, no matter how small, your […]
I don’t know if you are aware of it, but I am the guy who invented Kiss-Jeep. There are some parts of the country where Kiss-Jeep hasn’t caught on yet, so let me explain. Let’s say you’re driving down the road with your honey. The first one in the car that spots a Jeep Wrangler […]