When I walked into the electronics store the other day, I noticed that the customer service rep was talking to someone on her cell phone. I waved hello to her but she turned away from me and continued talking on the phone. I didn’t saying anything to her, thinking that I’d just let her finish […]
Some Kidding Aside – Are You Customer Service Driven?
Are you customer service driven? I rent cars a lot. I rent them when I’m traveling across the country, but I also rent them when I’m doing events that are 3 or 4 hours away, so that I avoid putting extra miles on my own car. Consequently, I’ve come to know all of my local […]
Some Kidding Aside – Weed Your Business Garden
They say that nature abhors a vacuum, but the truth is it hates all appliances. If you don’t believe me, leave a toaster in your yard for a couple of years and see what happens. Nature will not be kind to it. I live in the South, so seeing yard appliances isn’t that uncommon. There […]
Some Kidding Aside – Always Be Recruiting!
One of the questions I am most frequently asked these days is: How do we hire quality employees who want to work? My answer is pretty simple, really: Always be recruiting. Recently, when I was speaking at a school nutrition conference, I asked for volunteers to stand up and tell me their best customer service […]
Some Kidding Aside – Is Belief All It Takes?
For dozens of years modern culture has told us that we can be anything that we want if we just believe hard enough. If you hold on to your Dumbo’s feather, you can fly! If you believe in fairies and clap your hands, Tinker Bell will spring back to life! But (brace yourself) the real […]
Talkin’ ‘Bout a Resolution
See if this sounds familiar. The first of the year rolls around and you say, “Maybe I’ll try one of those New Year’s resolution things this year!” So you tell yourself that you’re going to lose weight, start exercising, read more, or whatever it is that you would like to do. So you go to […]
Washington Funny Keynote speaker
I’m lovin’ my Washington folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “Washington motivational speaker Charles Marshall was the perfect opening keynote for our annual conference. He was energetic, motivational, and extremely humorous, which allowed him to connect with our members and keep them engaged while he shared his great message. Everyone […]
Massachusetts Funny Keynote speaker
I’m lovin’ my Massachusetts folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “Since our All Employee Meeting, we have heard nothing but rave reviews about the customer service message and comedic attitude of Massachusetts motivational speaker Charles Marshall! He really ended the meeting with a bang, and we were happy to have […]
New Jersey Funny Keynote speaker
I’m lovin’ my New Jersey folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “I was truly pleased and impressed at both the learning and entertainment value New Jersey motivational speaker provided our top 70 customers. He did a fabulous job!” Admiral Insurance Company Mount Laurel, New Jersey
Some Kidding Aside – The Most Important Gift You Can Give
Not long ago, a young man named Tucker came over to my house to give me an estimate on a home repair. I didn‘t have to talk to him for very long before I realized he had a severe stutter. Every third or fourth word he spoke was accompanied with an awkward pause while he […]