I’m lovin’ my Oregon folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “Our organization really enjoyed the ‘Seven Powers of Success’ presentation by Oregon motivational speaker Charles Marshall. He had the perfect blend of humor to keep it light along with useful content to inspire us. I heartily recommend Charles as a […]
Author Archive | Charles Marshall
Inner-Office Conflict When You Work By Yourself
What can you do about inner-office conflict? For the first several years of my career, I was the sole employee of my company. I was both manager and employee. Receptionist and CEO. I was the one and only occupant of my office, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t conflict between me and my coworker. One […]
Georgia Funny Keynote speaker
I’m lovin’ my Georgia folks! Here’s what some of them had to say about me. “We had a distributor meeting and had never used a funny keynote speaker in prior meetings. Wanting to change up the meeting agenda, we added Charles as our humorous motivational speaker, and WOW were we pleased with the results! […]
Seven things you need to know BEFORE booking a speaker
Most of the inquiries I get are from people who don’t make a living booking speakers. They are assigned to get a speaker for an upcoming event, so they scour the Internet, cross their fingers, and then hope they made the right decision. The problem is that often the experienced and inexperienced can speakers can […]
Disruptive Customer Service
How the next level of customer service can elevate your business and increase sales My assistant recently told my wife that she was considering buying a coin-counting machine. My wife asked her if she had thought of taking her coins to a local bank to use their free coin counter. My assistant replied that she […]
Just for fun… Explosive Confessions
My wife won’t allow me to shoot off fireworks anymore. Well, my wife and all the rest of the people in my cul-de-sac, that is. For a long time, fireworks were illegal in Georgia, but for two glorious nights every year, everybody in the state wantonly abandoned all sense of good citizenship and broke the […]
Just for Fun – Charles’ Big-Time Super-Helpful Financial Plan
Money is always a stressful subject, but never fear! I’m here to help. Just apply the the following 3 tips and soon you’ll be rolling in dough! 1] Organize your bills. For most people, the subject of bills is unpleasant, but it needn’t be anymore. Instead of ignoring them, I suggest you tackle financial responsibilities […]
But (kind of) Seriously Folks… Mom’s Customer Service
I just caught a cold and feel really lousy. I don’t think it detracts from my masculinity at all to say I want my mommy! It’s amazing how Mom always used to know exactly what to do when I got sick but, if I’m being honest, her cold remedies were usually way worse than the […]
But Seriously Folks… Customer Service that Tries Harder
I found the exact computer I wanted online, but I needed to know one thing before I hit the “purchase” button: Did the company also sell the extended-life battery for this model? If they did, then they automatically had an instant, add-on sale. I called the company and told the person answering the phone that […]
But Seriously Folks… Customer Service You Can’t Print
I needed a new printer a few months ago so I headed to my office supply store. I don’t want to publicly bash any company so let’s just say the name of the store was Stooples Office Supply. Moments after I walked in the front door, a well-meaning Stooples sales associate greeted me and began […]