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Tag Archives | personal development

Mom's Cold Remedies pic

But (kind of) Seriously Folks… Mom’s Customer Service

I just caught a cold and feel really lousy. I don’t think it detracts from my masculinity at all to say I want my mommy! It’s amazing how Mom always used to know exactly what to do when I got sick but, if I’m being honest, her cold remedies were usually way worse than the […]

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But Seriously Folks… Customer Service that Tries Harder

I found the exact computer I wanted online, but I needed to know one thing before I hit the “purchase” button: Did the company also sell the extended-life battery for this model? If they did, then they automatically had an instant, add-on sale. I called the company and told the person answering the phone that […]

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But Seriously Folks… Your Customer Service Should Step Up!

It is incumbent upon me to report an alarming, and I believe dangerous, trend growing in our society today. I am convinced that sauntering is once again on the rise. Historical note: As you’ll no doubt remember, sauntering enjoyed its heyday back in the mid-1920s, when gambling, moonshine, and gangstering were all in vogue. Coincidence? […]

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But Seriously Folks… A Tale of Two Customer Service Reps

It was the best of customer service. It was the worst of customer service. For legal purposes, I’m not going to mention the name of the mega airline to which I am referring in this article, but will disguise their name so you don’t know who I’m talking about. So, a couple of months ago, […]

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But Seriously Folks… Are You Trying to Go Out of Business? (Part 2)

Most postal carriers I know are hard-working folks with great attitudes. That said, it seems to me that the Post Office management and bureaucracy are cut from a completely different cloth. A while back the Post Offices found themselves flat broke and were looking for ways to become profitable again. So the brilliant solution they […]

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But Seriously Folks… Can Your Character Identity Be Stolen?

I was sitting in a hotel room a couple of months ago when I received the following instant message from a lady I didn’t know: “Mr. Marshall, I believe you have been hacked. Some creep has been messaging me on Facebook, wanting money. I did an image search and found you, and you don’t seem […]

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Some Kidding Aside – Customer Service Smart TALK

When I walked into the electronics store the other day, I noticed that the customer service rep was talking to someone on her cell phone. I waved hello to her but she turned away from me and continued talking on the phone. I didn’t saying anything to her, thinking that I’d just let her finish […]

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Some Kidding Aside – Weed Your Business Garden

They say that nature abhors a vacuum, but the truth is it hates all appliances. If you don’t believe me, leave a toaster in your yard for a couple of years and see what happens. Nature will not be kind to it. I live in the South, so seeing yard appliances isn’t that uncommon. There […]

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