Choose your attitude The very first thing you have to choose in life is your attitude, your disposition, the way you view the world. Most people allow their circumstances to dictate their attitude, never realizing they have any say in the matter. If the sun is shining, then they feel great. If it’s raining, then […]
Author Archive | Charles Marshall
Some Kidding Aside – Community Transference
Community transference is the transferring of one’s primary community, along with all its corresponding values and mores, to another community, with its alternative values. Ask almost anyone you meet about the origin of their values, and he will tell you that he is the author of his own life philosophy. Most people feel the reason […]
Some Kidding Aside – Five things about purpose that your personal success coach might not tell you
1] There is no such destination called “purpose.” If success is defined as the process of fulfilling your potential, then as you grow, your direction in life will change as your purpose molds to fit your growth. Think of purpose as a transitional state or a journey, rather than a place you arrive and camp […]
Some Kidding Aside – What We’re Up Against
A serious man in a dark laboratory contemplates a small vial of liquid briefly before upending the contents into his mouth. Almost immediately after swallowing the concoction, his face contorts in spasms of unthinkable pain. Slowly, his countenance begins to contort, transforming by degree into a grotesque mask of evil incarnate. Dr. Jekyll has once […]
Some Kidding Aside – Man up, own up, climb up
One of the most important things I can communicate to you about character is this: Your character is not determined by whether or not you ever make a mistake, but by what you do about it. Let me say it again. Your character—or the character of your company or organization or family—is not determined by […]
Some Kidding Aside – Crazy Publishing Story
Back in 2006, my wife and I were discussing the idea of my attending a writers conference. We both agreed it would be a great way for me to meet some folks in the publishing industry and learn a bit about how it worked. So, when we noticed that I was booked to speak at […]
Some Kidding Aside – Are You Trying to Go Out of Business? (Take 2)
I know I picked on the Post Office a bit last month, and am about to again, but let me say before I get started that most postal carriers I know are hard-working folks with great attitudes. That said, it seems to me that a good portion of the Post Office leadership might be cut […]
Some Kidding Aside – Speaking of Failure
Failure is never kind, but it is always honest. It won’t spare your feelings or soothe your ego. It’s blunt, brutal, and hurtful. But it’s also the best friend you could have if you are willing to put away your bruised ego and humbly sit at its feet. I didn’t learn how to be a […]
Some Kidding Aside – Engaging Risk: The Power of Action
A number of years ago, as I was getting ready to self-publish my first book, I went to lunch with the president of a financial company who had booked me to speak at his company’s annual meeting. As we ate, we discussed my new book, Shattering the Glass Slipper, in which I debuted the concept […]
Some Kidding Aside – Program Yourself to Innovate
When I was in second grade, my teacher assigned my class to create our own science project. Like most kids at that time, I went straight to the World Book Encyclopedia to search for ideas. After a while, I spotted a scale that looked like it was within my ability to build. My chief obstacle […]