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Some Kidding Aside – While it might be true that you cannot change those circumstances, you can choose your attitude…

You say if you really had your choice, you would be wealthy, happy, and fulfilled, and yet you are not. Therefore, you reason, you could not possibly have chosen your present situation. Certainly, there are many things that people cannot, and do not, choose. The loss of a loved one, a debilitating disease, a sudden […]

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Some Kidding Aside – There is no “happily ever after”, real life always continues and the story never ends

We all get one life and this is it. There is no “happily ever after.” Real life always continues and the story never ends. There never is a place in any life where all struggle stops and happiness is a perpetual state. Sometimes there are seasons of respite from struggle, but those are usually all […]

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Some Kidding Aside – The Deception of Someday

Do you believe in “someday”? Are you thinking that someday you’ll be rich, someday you’ll save some money, someday you’ll find the right person, someday you’ll lose weight? Those who believe in “someday” are fairy-tale thinkers who believe that “someday” is when the magic finally arrives. They wait for it like children waiting for Christmas […]

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Some Kidding Aside – There is less separating you from achievement and fulfillment than you think

Comfort robs you of motivation and vitality. Like signing a contract agreeing to be miserable almost every day of your life in return for the illusion of security and comfort. Once you used to dream of conquest and achievement; now you settle for mediocrity. Instead of focusing on living your life to the fullest, you […]

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Some Kidding Aside – Rather than focusing on what is wrong, focus on what is right

By far, most people perform better if they are surrounded by people who believe in them rather than by people who are constantly pointing out their faults. Rather than focusing on what is wrong, focus on what is right. Remember that there is a tremendous difference in believing in a person and believing in a […]

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Some Kidding Aside – There is nothing commendable about simply journeying through life

There is nothing commendable about simply journeying through life. One can stand perfectly still on the conveyor belt of life and still travel from one end to the other with no effort or success whatsoever. Only he is successful who makes marked, specific progress toward the achievement of growth, strength, and stability in the areas […]

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Some Kidding Aside – Do not think of success as the realization of a level of material or emotional gain, but as progress

Fairy-tale thinking, its symptoms are fantasizing, irrational expectations, inactivity, and misplaced effort. It always results in frustration, confusion, anger, hopelessness, and ultimately, a wasted life. Fairy-tale thinking is the philosophical belief that someday, without doing anything, something wonderful is going to happen that will allow us to live happily ever after. The first step toward […]

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