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Some Kidding Aside – It’s Time To Shake Up Your Customer Service!

If you made a list of your top priorities at work, how far would customer service be from the top? If I called the people who work with you, would they tell me that you are pretty good at customer service, or would they tell me you are great at it? Great customer service isn’t […]

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Some Kidding Aside – Five Things About Purpose that Your Personal Success Coach Might Not Tell You

“Think of purpose as a transitional state or a journey…” 1] There is no such destination called “purpose.” If success is defined as the process of fulfilling your potential, then as you grow, your direction in life will change as your purpose molds to fit your growth. Think of purpose as a transitional state or […]

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Some Kidding Aside – What We Are Up Against – Considering Transformation

“… if you feed and indulge your dark nature, it will one day consume and control you.” A serious man in a dark laboratory contemplates a small vial of liquid briefly before upending the contents into his mouth. Almost immediately after swallowing the concoction, his face contorts in spasms of unthinkable pain. Slowly, his countenance […]

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