It really isn’t what you say, but how you say it, isn’t it? I just received a letter from the Post Office notifying me that it is time to pay my annual bulk rate mailing dues. I was expecting the letter but what I wasn’t expecting was the verbiage it contained: Dear Charles Marshall, Your […]
Some Kidding Aside – Choose your family dynamic
Choose your family dynamic There is a little Mexican restaurant near my house that has a great all-you-can-eat Sunday brunch bar. So, the other day, right after church, I took my wife and kids over to see how much damage we could to the owner’s bottom line. As we ate our lunch, I noticed the […]
Some Kidding Aside – What success isn’t
Several years ago, I sat at a table surrounded by teens and young adults as we all stuffed envelopes for one of my direct-mail campaigns. Since nobody seemed to be interacting much, I thought I’d get the ball rolling. “So, what do you guys want to do when you get out of school?” I asked. […]
Some Kidding Aside – What your customer is thinking but won’t tell you
When I arrived, it turned out that there was a huge disconnect between the car size that I had reserved on their website and the car that the rental location actually had for me. It was important that I get a larger car because I had my family with me, and the only cars that […]
Some Kidding Aside – Five things about purpose that your personal success coach might not tell you
The beginning of the year is a great time to evaluate your purpose. Here are a few things about purpose that you don’t normally hear: 1] There is no such destination called “purpose.” If success is defined as the process of fulfilling your potential, then as you grow, your direction in life will change as […]
Some Kidding Aside – Customer Service with a Wrench
Question: How do you know for certain that you have provided your customer the very best in customer service? Answer: When they are thanking you as they hand you the check. Not long ago the heating element gave up the ghost in our dryer at home. It’s been a great dryer but it is old […]
Some Kidding Aside – Motivational blog -Taking initiative and taking control
There are two types of people in the world–those who take initiative and those that don’t. Usually, those that don’t will do what they’re told to do, nothing more, nothing less. They show up and perform adequately. They punch the clock, watch the clock, and then punch out again. If, however, you are a person […]
Some Kidding Aside – Get a vision, make a plan, take a step
What is your vision for your company, career, and relationships for this coming year? Do you have a clear idea of what you want? It’s hard, if not downright impossible, to get to your destination unless you have an idea of where it is. The difference between a dream and a goal is a written […]
Some Kidding Aside – When you commit to the pursuit of personal growth, success cannot be far behind
When you commit to the pursuit of personal growth, success cannot be far behind. If you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do, you are not accessing the tremendous resources that lie within you. You are waiting for your fairy godmother. Looking for someone to give you all the answers is just […]
Some Kidding Aside – When a person chooses poorly, they are, in effect, choosing the bad consequences that come bundled with their decision
Quite often the easiest choice is the decision that is based on an emotional bias, rather than intellectual reasoning. Take a moment and think about all the bad decisions you have made in your life. Think about the wrong turns, the bad relationships, the money mismanaged and misspent. Is it not true that the great […]